Paul (& all),
Yes, that's a first winter male BLACK SCOTER like Tim found, and I & several
other folks saw on Saturday.  Today I scoped it fairly close and in great light.  The
profile, as Paul says, was like Sibley shows for female or juvenile Black Scoter,
(Today it did not seem so flat-crowned, and the bill looked a bit more upswept.)
The plumage is all very dark brown.  In that brief taxi break at Stewart Park near
the large pavilion this afternoon I saw much of what Paul reported.  However,
I only saw 1 PIED-BILLED GREBE from my narrow vantage, but I did see perhaps
20 RUDDY DUCKS.  All our usual Aythya were in the slightly expanded
flock - still mostly LESSER SCAUP, but at least 1 each of GREATER SCAUP, REDHEAD,
RING-NECKED DUCK, and the single new female CANVASBACK.  The new female
COMMON GOLDENEYE was very close and may have been associating with the same

Another good "office bird" for me today was a FOX SPARROW on Nelson Rd a short
distance outside the Town of Ithaca.

--Dave Nutter

PS Way to go, Tim (photo!), Tom, & Matt finding the Bohemian Waxwing!!

On Nov 02, 2010, at 06:15 AM, Paul Anderson <> wrote:

Almost no wind today meant conditions for viewing at Stewart Park this
morning were much better than yesterday, although light fog and shimmer
limited distance.

A new arrival of the season was a single Common Goldeneye.

In a flock of Aythya was a single much darker bird that was the shape
and size of a female Black Scoter. However, it didn't seem to have the
light patch on the head that I would have expected. Was the Black Scoter
seen in recent days consistent with this?


Canada Goose X
American Black Duck 3
Mallard X
Green-winged Teal 1
Canvasback 1
Redhead X
Ring-necked Duck 2
Greater/Lesser Scaup 30
Bufflehead 25
Common Goldeneye 1
Hooded Merganser 2
Common Merganser 1
Pied-billed Grebe 30
Double-crested Cormorant X
Bald Eagle 1
American Coot X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
American Crow X
Eastern Bluebird 1
European Starling X
House Sparrow X

Paul Anderson. GrammaTech, Inc. Tel: +1 607 273-7340 x18


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