Sorry for the late post.  Livia Santana and I birded Montezuma in the late
afternoon yesterday (10 August 2011).  We didn't find anything too exciting,
but some of the usual specialties.  Highlights included continuing
RED-NECKED PHALAROPES at Puddlers Marsh, viewed from Towpath Road (looked to
be one juvenile and one basic adult bird).  As others have reported, the
water is pretty high here and shorebird numbers are way down, but we did see
a few Short-billed Dowitchers (including the first juveniles I have seen
this year), as well as Lesser and Greater yellowlegs (juvenile Lessers as
well), and only a handful of peeps (one of which was a basic adult
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER). No Stilt Sandpipers.  Mays Point had two SANDHILL
CRANES foraging along the back, but very few shorebirds.  The visitor center
pond is in good condition at the moment. It didn't have too much on our
first pass, but later in the evening (when we were out of time to scan it
thoroughly) there were about 8 dowitchers, at least one of which looked to
be an adult LONG-BILLED.  A few more ducks were around, including
Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal (flock of 90 at Knox-Marcellus),
Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, Northern Pintail, Wood Duck, and Hooded
Merganser.  The main drive had many juvenile American Coots and at least one
juvenile Common Gallinule, and four Trumpeter Swans were hanging out at
Benning Marsh.

On the way up we saw the juvenile BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON in its usual
spot near the low dead tree in Fall Creek, just up from the mouth at Myers
Point.  This bird has been there since at least July 24th.

Good birding,
Jay McGowan

Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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