I forgot to mention...at Muckrace Flats there
was a semipalmated sandpiper? with a very
long bill. Lighting was too poor for me to make
out any rufous etc to turn it into a western...
but it is worth looking out for. I have seen
westerns on the coast so I am familar with this
species.  This bird really did have a long sort 
of droopy bill. Again, lighting was poor and I 
could not get any decent digiscope images 
(all blurry!!!). So another bird I won't call
for my records. 
From: david nicosia <daven1...@yahoo.com>
To: Cayuga Birds posting <Cayugabirds-L@cornell.edu>
Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2011 5:33 PM
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Shorebirds etc. Saturday 9/3/11

Took a trip up to the Montezuma wetland complex today. 
First stop was at the visitor's center for a restroom break
and a quick check...saw many yellowlegs, mostly lesser 
but a few greater also. Killdeer also present. Didn't spend 
much time here. 

Next stop was May's point. Lighting is horrible midday and I
know this, but it was the only time that worked for me. Even
so, there are still loads of peeps all over. I saw and heard
both least and semipalamated sandpipers. There are also many
yellowlegs, few killdeer and several semipalmated plovers. 
Best birds I had were 4 pectoral sandpipers. I also had a 
candidate for a BAIRD's but the distance and lighting just
was not in my favor, at least at my skill level. So I won't
call this one. There were also many great egrets...I counted 
37 but it is probably many more. 

Next stop was Muckrace flats on Savannah Spring Lake
road. This area had a nice variety of shorebirds and
the distance was not that bad although midday lighting
was still not good. I had the following: 
14 lesser yellowlegs, 2 greater yellowlegs, many least
and semipalamated sandpipers, 1 semipalmated plover,
2 pectoral sandpipers, several dowitchers (short-billed
I assume?) and 1 stilt sandpiper. Got some nice views of
this bird in and around the dowitchers. 

Last stop was railroad road to see if I could get lucky enough
to see the ibis. I walked around one of the impoundments but
the heat and humidity really got to me so I did not get to the others.
No ibis for me. But there were a few peeps on the algae mats,
a family group of trumpeter swans, the young are tagged. 
I also had a nice view of a northern harrier sitting in a tree just above
the marsh. there were also many pied-billed grebes, 1 common
moorhen, and lots of great-blue herons.

I also checked some of the other roads(Morgan, Carncross
and Van Dyne Sporer) up there for the ibis 
as it could be anywhere...with no luck. It could also easily be
hiding in the reeds and the purple loosestrife in any of these
places! Too hot and tired to check out Knox-Marcellis marsh
today....next time! 

I imagine this evening could be quite nice up there...with better
lighting and a little cooler temperatures. 

Dave Nicosia
Johnson City, NY 


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