John Confer and I birded up the east and down the west side of the Lake yesterday. Beginning at Stewart Park, we had most of the birds reported by Dave Nicosia with the addition of a PEREGRINE FALCON preening in one of the trees across Fall Creek from the boathouse. We skipped Myers, and our next stop was at Long Point SP. A short walk east up the hill produced numerous Chickadees, Titmice, a couple of Golden-crowned Kinglets, and a large flock of Robins (100+).

From the boathouse in Aurora we found 6 Horned Grebes but no Eared Grebe. We checked for grebes at last weekend's hot spots: Twin Oaks Campground, Fire Lane 20, and found none. The large Aythya flock was along the shore between FL 20 and the new development just south of the railroad tracks and was being watched over by an adult Bald Eagle.

From the Towpath Machine Shop we scanned the distant ducks and swans, picking through Redheads, Canvasbacks, a few Northern Pintails, both Scaup, and American Wigeon - but could not find a Eurasian. There was a family of distant Mute Swans. A Bald Eagle was on the nest at Mudlock.

We then drove through the Mucklands. The fields were still frozen, but the ditches were ice-free. There was considerable open water along Van Dyne Spoor Road, and the Pintails were beginning to move in. There were a couple of Tree Sparrows and a pair of RED-WING BLACKBIRDS. Around Carncross Road and again, Armitage Road, the ice was beginning to melt, but no sign of cranes or snipe.

The water along Cayuga Lake SP was filled with Tundra Swans, Canada Geese, Mallards, Black Ducks, Common Mergansers, Common Goldeneye and a smattering of Scaup, Ring-necked Ducks, Redhead, Cavasbacks, American Wigeon, and Pintails. A flock of some 2,000 Snow Geese rested just offshore at the south end of the park. At one point most of the flock took to the air and then eventually settled back down. We scanned them as they moved overhead, but could not find any noticeably smaller birds.

After the Peregrine at Stewart park, out best bird for the day was a female WHITE-WINGED SCOTER seen from Wyers Point Road north of Sheldrake. We also had there a couple of Red-breasted Mergansers and several dozen Ring-necked Ducks.

Bob McGuire


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