I thought Lisa Wood's Chipping Sparrow might have been a first arrival, but I try to remember to check eBird records before I revise the list of first arrivals to the Cayuga Lake Basin which is on the Cayuga Bird Club website here:


Anyway, eBird surprised me. The earliest local report was one heard by Jane Graves on Warren Rd on 20 March, and Tom Schulenberg had one at his place on Hanshaw Rd by the 25th. Outside the basin, Dave Spier had one northwest of us in Clifton Springs on the 21st, and southwest of us in Horseheads Mike Powers had one on the 15th and Jan Murphey had one on the 11th!

So the real question is, why did people first decide to report to several listservs on one day, but quietly report to eBird for a couple weeks?
--Dave Nutter

On Mar 30, 2012, at 06:56 PM, Meena Haribal <m...@cornell.edu> wrote:

So looks like Chipping sparrows have reached our latitude on same day!  In last several years, I have found that first arrival of same species are reported on same day to Cayugabirds, Geneseebirds and Oniedabirds often. 


It is really interesting to see that they move approximately same distances north.  What causes them to stop and not go further anymore?






Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY 14850

From: geneseebirds-l-boun...@geneseo.edu [geneseebirds-l-boun...@geneseo.edu] on behalf of Michael and Joann Tetlow [mjtet...@frontiernet.net]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 5:38 PM
To: geneseebird...@geneseo.edu
Subject: [GeneseeBirds-L] Chipping Sparrow

A Chipping Sparrow just arrived at our yard feeder in Fairport.  Our previous earliest was April 7th last year. In the past we would normally expect one around the 10th. Mike and Joann Tetlow

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