3pm and Dryden Lake is as calm as glass. The Surf Scoter is still here as are 7 
Ruddy Ducks, four of them males in full breeding plumage, and 20+ Bufflehead 
and one Osprey. Viewing conditions are ideal. 


Laura Stenzler

On Mar 31, 2012, at 12:43 PM, "Suan Hsi Yong" <suan.y...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This morning, SFO Group 2 went first to Dryden Lake, where there was a
> surf scoter at decent scoping distance. Other highlights were fly-by
> osprey and great blue herons, many buffleheads, some lesser scaups, a
> pair of ring-necked ducks, and some ruddy ducks; red-bellied
> woodpecker and eastern phoebe(s); and the thumping of ruffed grouse
> (which Susan's group was lucky enough to see).
> Next stop was what's left of the George Road pond, which hosted a
> modest flock of green winged teal and not much else special. The muck
> leftover from the draining looked like it may be good for snipe or
> even shorebirds, but we were a little too chilly to do a careful scan.
> Finally we went to Genung Preserve in Etna, whose highlight was a fox
> sparrow perching nicely for a great view then singing its melodious
> whistle. Golden-crowned kinglets started appearing and gave good but
> fleeting views to many; white-throated sparrows sang broken songs and
> looked scraggly and difficult to ID save for a faint hint of yellow in
> the forehead; red-bellied woodpeckers danced about, while across the
> creek a purple finch sang incessantly. We also heard the thumpings of
> ruffed grouse, once seemingly quite close, though it never presented
> itself.
> What better way to spend a chilly morning with light drizzle!
> Suan
> --
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> http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
> --


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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