My dozen warbler species were different from Evan's, so add Ovenbird, Orange-crowned Warbler and Blackburnian Warbler to today's Hawthorn Orchard list.
--Dave Nutter

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 03, 2012 1:40:37 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Hawthorn Orchard, May 3, 2012

Hawthorn Orchard, Tompkins, US-NY
May 3, 2012 8:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: Entered from northeast, basically stayed in north, much of the time with Stuart Krasnoff; many other birders seen. Warm & sunny.
46 species

Canada Goose 2
American Kestrel 1
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Hairy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Least Flycatcher X heard only
Eastern Phoebe 1 heard only
Great Crested Flycatcher 1 seen & heard in large oaks in northwest part of Hawthorn Orchard
Blue-headed Vireo X seen several times, once heard singing
Warbling Vireo 1 silent, in fading blooming ornamental apple-like trees in parking lot
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X several heard and seen
Tufted Titmouse X several heard and seen
White-breasted Nuthatch X heard only
House Wren 1 seen singing
Ruby-crowned Kinglet X seen several times, some song
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X several heard and seen
Brown Thrasher 1 seen & heard singing on east side of Hawthorn Orchard
European Starling X
Ovenbird 1 silent, along east edge of Hawthorn Orchard
Blue-winged Warbler 2 one in northeast, one in northwest; relatively sedentary for this species, song heard, too.
Tennessee Warbler 1 seen singing at northwest edge of Hawthorn Orchard
Orange-crowned Warbler 1 heard several times in ravine north of softball field; chattery trill with varied portions
Nashville Warbler X many singing and seen
Common Yellowthroat 1 heard only
Magnolia Warbler 1 seen singing near northwest corner of Hawthorn Orchard
Blackburnian Warbler 1 silent male foraging in ravine
Chestnut-sided Warbler X several
Yellow-rumped Warbler X many seen; several heard singing
Prairie Warbler 1 seen singing in northwest corner of Hawthorn Orchard
Black-throated Green Warbler X several seen singing in northeast corner of Hawthorn Orchard
Chipping Sparrow 1 singing near parking lot
Song Sparrow 1 heard only
White-throated Sparrow X several call notes, a few sightings, a few songs
Northern Cardinal X singing
Red-winged Blackbird X males seen & heard
Eastern Meadowlark 1 singing from hedgerow below Oxley
Common Grackle X several flying, north of parking lot
Brown-headed Cowbird X several calls heard
Baltimore Oriole X males seen and heard, probably several
House Finch X singing near parking lot
American Goldfinch X male & female seen foraging; singing
House Sparrow X male & female by parking lot

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