8th time's a charm! With a brief window in downtown Ithaca before an 
appointment, I decided to give a listen at the sycamores by the 3rd tee of 
Ithaca city golf course (Pier Rd). Arriving at 8:20, I immediately heard the 
double-noted song of a YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER out my car window -- it was 
among the loudest bird songs there and easily heard over the noisy 
grass-cutters and other truck noise in the area. I spotted the bird mid-height 
in the sycamore closest to Fall Creek, and then it flew up very high in the 
sycamores over the 3rd tee, continuing to sing.

While I was following the singing bird, I heard a loud chip closer by and was 
surprised to see a SECOND YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER foraging lower in the 
sycamore. I followed the second bird for awhile as the first bird sang -- it 
(she?) flew from cluster to cluster of newly opening sycamore leaves, working 
its way higher in the trees. Then, I briefly saw the singing bird fly to the 
second bird and they had a brief (seemingly nonagressive) interaction partially 
hidden from view -- this was possibly a brief copulation. The two birds then 
took off to the north, flying towards or over the fire-training building area. 
No more songs were heard in the 10 minutes I remained in the area.

These birds behaved exactly as a breeding pair would be expected to behave, 
which is not that surprising given the longevity and irregular appearance of 
the singing male (probably using a larger home range), the perfectly suitable 
habitat, northward expansion of many species, and global warming in general. 
Others hopefully will be able to document and confirm this breeding activity in 
the coming weeks.


Ken Rosenberg
Conservation Science Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
607-342-4594 (cell)


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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