I went to Montezuma today.  I only went to Mud Lock and the wildlife drive.   
At Mud Lock there was an Osprey and mature Bald Eagle in the trees.   Below the 
eagle's nest were two cormorant and to the left were at least six more.  The 
Greater Scaup was there too.  I'm pretty sure it's the same one that has been 
there since last winter.  It's missing its left wing just like the earlier one. 
 It has changed its plumage, as someone else described.

The pool in front of the visitor center has been plowed and has a little bit of 
water.  Many shorebirds were there.  The best were three Wilson's Snipe.
There were both yellowlegs and just one Least Sandpiper.   The regular Canada 
Geese and gulls were hanging about.

The drive wasn't worth doing since they were working and large trucks were 
driving back and forth moving dirt.  The only thing I saw before they were 
scared away were some young Kingbirds.  Out on the water was a cormorant, and 
gallinule, and in the banding area were two Trumpeter Swans.  I couldn't see 
any shorebirds at the new area due to high grasses, but I heard Lesser 
Yellowlegs.  Due to the work I didn't stop at Benning, but I could see 
shorebirds by the Thruway with bins.  

I drove back in near the Visitor's Center and where the cried up pond was, I 
saw a flycatcher which was probably a Willow, and an immature Yellowthroat.  A 
male Bluebird dropped in to hawk an insect.

Well, at least a few shorebirds are showing up at the center for closer viewing 
than on Towpath Rd.

Carol Keeler

Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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