I met the Cayuga Bird Club field trip at Montezuma NWR today (Saturday 15 September) and looked for the Cattle Egret around Benning's but without luck. I'd also like to know if it is refound. 
I overheard someone say they'd seen a Least Bittern today at Benning. 
At Larue's there was a cooperative AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER. 
Near the spillway a MERLIN was perched in a dead tree.
Among the mud & debris islands in the new diggings along the straightaway by the Thruway there were several each of LEAST SANDPIPER and SEMIPALMATED PLOVER and one SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER, but we did not see any Western Sandpiper. Again, any refind of the Western would be of interest.
There were plenty of immature BALD EAGLES around Tschache, and at one point we saw at least 7 of them kettling together. Later I saw a more typical group of 9 TURKEY VULTURES.
At Knox-Marsellus there was a distant AMERICAN AVOCET and I thought I saw BAIRD'S and BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER in the distant shimmer. BLACK-BELLIED and AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS were there, too, I believe. We didn't see any Whimbrels nor Hudsonian Godwits there nor in Puddler. Shorebird numbers are lower, but when they flushed there were still scores of them in flight, mostly Yellowlegs. I did not see any Peregrines, but there was a NORTHERN HARRIER coursing in the area. We saw 1 SANDHILL CRANE at K-M and 3 at Puddler. 
I diverged from the field trip after Towpath Rd, so I don't know what else they found at Van Dyne Spoor Rd or other places.
--Dave Nutter

On Sep 15, 2012, at 02:40 PM, John and Sue Gregoire <k...@empacc.net> wrote:

Hard to believe we've been birding here for 26 years or so and still haven't found a
Cattle or Snowy in the Finger Lakes. I would very much appreciate a call if the
Cattle is still at MNWR Sunday morning. We can't free up until after AM banding so
our visit would be noon or later. Ditto for any future finds of either species. Many
thanks in advance. We have landline only -607-546-2169.
John and Sue Gregoire
Field Ornithologists
Kestrel Haven Avian Migration Observatory
5373 Fitzgerald Road
Burdett,NY 14818-9626
Website: http://www.empacc.net/~kestrelhaven/
"Conserve and Create Habitat"


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