To all Cayugabirders,

Regarding Jay's post about the cutting on Salt Point (north side of the creek across from Myers park):

Our newly elected Lansing town board member Katrina Binkewicz has found out that the town highway dept has been directed to do extensive cutting on Salt Point. We are moving fast to try to stop this and preserve the habitat, and we might need help from others who bird there, especially Lansing residents. If we need to convince the town that this is valuable for wildlife, and for the people who go there to see birds, we might need you to come to a town board meeting. If you would be willing to do this and help make the case for keeping good habitat there, please respond to me, NOT TO THE LIST, and I will contact you if there's an opportunity. For now, it would not be productive to contact the town directly- we don't want to create a confrontational situation unless we really need to.

Many thanks,
John Greenly

On 11/9/2012 10:14 AM, Jay McGowan wrote:
Myers was pretty cold and dull this morning, with very few waterfowl
migrating. Lots of gulls were on the spit but nothing out of the
ordinary (although on Tuesday I had a surprising *4* 1st-cycle Lesser
Black-backed Gulls with the other gulls on the spit!) The highlight
today was a very late juvenile SPOTTED SANDPIPER on one of the sandbar
islands in the creek mouth, along with a Killdeer (which I haven't seen
there in a while either.) Salt Point was unproductive, perhaps in part
because a great deal of the brushy habitat that often harbors lingering
warblers has recently been cut.

Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology <>


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