Hello all,

At Summerhill yesterday with Tomrod Amundsen and Elin Taranger of Biotope
were 30+ EVENING 
GROSBEAKS(Hovel and Eaton Rd), scattered SISKINS and a MALE PURPLE FINCH
(Eaton Rd feeders, Fire Ln 
E feeders and Hovel Chalet). Cedar Waxwings, 6 Ravens, 1 RUSTY
SPARROW(Hovel), 40+ AMERICAN PIPITS(Eaton Rd) and more from Summerhill
yesterday too. Both 
crossbill species have been reported from Summerhill in recent days too. 

I did a trip on Saturday through the Southern Highlands and had EVENING
GROSBEAKS at 6 of my 7 
stops. This is the best year for them in this area since at least 2000-01
or perhaps the 1997-98 finch 
superflight.  Shackham Rd in Fabius was one of the stops as was the
Paradise Hill Rd feeders about 2 
miles outside of downtown DeRuyter. I had a flock of 50+ in Chenango County
along with scattered 
SISKINS and 1 flyover WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL. Siskins were in DeRuyter too.
Immature NORTHERN 
SHRIKE in Pharsalia. 

It's going to be a very interesting finch winter....a  superflight not seen
since 1997-98. Lets hope many 
stop to stay. It could get really interesting at feeders........crossbills
will very likely visit feeders this year! 
Stock up.


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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