Hi all,

Nov 30th should read 12 (south), 33 (north). We actually subtracted from the 
total count that day!


On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 9:07 PM EST Ethan Kistler wrote:

>Hi all,
>As you have probably guessed, the long delay in updates have been due to 
>minimal loon movement. Here's a breakdown for the last week:
>Nov 25th - A frustrating day to say at least. Bill Evans joined today and we 
>counted 219 (south), but for some reason the majority (159) returned north. 
>After the count was over, we headed into town and while having coffee at the 
>Ithaca Bakery, Bill glanced out the window and noticed 16 heading south. 
>Walking back to his office yielded another 20 or so. I can't really say what 
>was up that day. Also of note for the count, a single Bonaparte's Gull - the 
>first one I had during the loon counts.
>Nov 26th - A little more satisfying with 208 (south) and 11 (north). Other 
>birds of interest include singles of Red-throated Loon and Long-tailed Duck.
>Nov 27th - One loon and it was sitting on the water. Other birds of note 
>include a flyover Common Redpoll and my first Horned Grebe for the count.
>Nov 28th - 149 (south) and 4 (north). Also five Snow Buntings heading north.
>Nov 29th - Another slow day with 5 (south) and an additional six on the water.
>Nov 30th - Bill and I expected a decent push today with the strong northerly 
>winds so he joined me again this morning. To our surprise, we only had 23 
>(south) and 12 (north). 
>Dec 1st - 6 (south). Also two Merlins and an American Pipit that came in and 
>foraged nearby.
>Dec 2nd - 1 (south)
>Over the past few days waterfowl have started congregating northwest of 
>Taughannock Point including a couple thousand Canada Geese, several hundred 
>scaup and lesser numbers of American Wigeon, Ring-necked Ducks, Common 
>Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Common & Hooded Mergansers, Mallards and American Black 
>The predicted NW winds on Wednesday could produce the next and possibly final 
>push of Common Loons over Cayuga Lake. Friday is the last day of the count so 
>if you haven't made it out yet, feel free to join us this week!
>Also, with the recent talk on Hooded Merganser numbers up at the north end of 
>the lake, while walking out to the white lighthouse a few days ago, there were 
>close to 100 in the inlet.


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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