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On 12/10/2012 3:23 PM, Linda Orkin wrote:

Hello to All of You,

Just wanted to let everyone know that the Cayuga Bird Club is once again organizing the Christmas Bird Count to be held, as always, on January 1, 2013.

As co-coordinators, Bob McGuire and I are always interested in getting as many people involved as we can. It is a very prodigious endeavor and has been going on for 113 years. An amazing data collection and these statistics become ever more important as we strive to document and minimize our negative impacts and birds and equally, labor to help all bird species. And this will be the 60th consecutive year that the Cayuga Bird Club has organized this.

There are several ways you can participate, you can choose one or do all. We have area leaders for all nine areas of a 15 diameter count circle centered in Ithaca, each of them will greatly welcome your inclusion in their area. They will tell you where to go within their "slice" You can do a feeder count at your own feeder and submit those numbers by phone as described on our website. Or you can choose to count birds on your own property as your count site and then submit these numbers to the appropriate area leader. You should let me know in advance if you plan to do this so I can advise the area leaders.

Instead of putting all the details in this email, I invite you to go to this link on the Cayuga Bird Club website.

There you will see a map and descriptions of the  nine areas.

You will note when you read this that we will find ways for all to get involved. If you would like to practice the counting protocol, I am willing to meet people at Sapsucker Woods on Saturday Dec 15 and/or Saturday, Dec. 22 in the morning at 8:30. We can go on a bird walk and tally birds as we would for the count. Please respond to this email off list if you are interested in doing this.

I hope all will join in, there are several area leaders pleading for more help.

Feel free to email me with any questions.

Thanks very much.

Linda Orkin
2013 CBC Christmas Bird Count Coordinator

Don't ask what your bird club can do for you, ask what you can do for your bird club!! <')_,/

Paul Anderson, VP of Engineering, GrammaTech, Inc.
531 Esty St., Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: +1 607 273-7340 x118;


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