Thanks for posting the quick summary again this year (a fine service for those 
of us unable to attend the compilation dinner)!

The Winter Wren was foraging within exposed roots and fallen tree stumps along 
the stream behind Grayhaven Motel. 42.407611,-76.538562


From: nutter.d...@me.com 
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 11:03 PM
To: cayugabirds-L@cornell.edu 
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Ithaca "Christmas" Bird Count 1/1/2013 - quick & dirty 
data; what to look for

>From my notes at the compilation of today's Ithaca Christmas Bird Count:

These 95 Species (plus 1 hybrid) were found on today's count:

Snow Goose
Cackling Goose - 2 at Stewart Park by Ken Rosenberg
Canada Goose
Tundra Swan  - new high of 396: many flocks migrating
American Wigeon - 2 at Stewart Park by Ken Rosenberg?
American Black Duck
(Mallard x American Black Duck - 1 at Stewart Park?)
Northern Pintail
Ring-necked Duck
Greater Scaup
Lesser Scaup
Surf Scoter - 1 north of East Shore by Chris Wood
White-winged Scoter - 1 at Stewart Park by Ken Rosenberg?
BLACK SCOTER - NEW FOR COUNT - 2 from Treman or west shore by Scott Sutcliffe, 
possibly those I found Friday 28 December
Long-tailed Duck - 1 by Chris Wood (location?)
Common Goldeneye
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser
Ruddy Duck - 2 in southwest part of Cayuga Lake found by me
Ruffed Grouse
Wild Turkey
Common Loon - 1 flying south of Myers found by Kevin McGowan & Lee Ann Van Leer
Pied-billed Grebe - 1 north of East Shore found by ?
Double-crested Cormorant - 1 southwest Cayuga Lake found by Scott Sutcliffe
Great Blue Heron
Turkey Vulture
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Northern Goshawk - 1 found by Chris Wood coming to his feeders
Red-tailed Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
American Kestrel
Merlin - 4 
Peregrine Falcon - 1 found by Bob McGuire at Stewart Park
American Coot
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Glaucous Gull - 1 found by Chris Wood at Stewart Park?
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Eastern Screech-Owl
Great Horned Owl
Barred Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl - 1 attracted to Chris Wood in his hot tub
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
Northern Shrike
Blue Jay
American Crow
Fish Crow - 6 found by Kevin McGowan near Sciencenter
Common Raven - 20
Horned Lark
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Carolina Wren
Winter Wren - 1 by Bill Evans (location?)
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Eastern Bluebird
American Robin
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
American Pipit - 1 at Dodge & Stevenson Rds by Gin Mistry, 1 on white 
lighthouse jetty by Ken Rosenberg
Cedar Waxwing
Lapland Longspur - 2 found by Meena Haribal on Irish Settlement Rd near NYS-13
Snow Bunting
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 3 found by Asher Hockett below old NCR factory on South 
American Tree Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow - 1 on Bluegrass Lane, 1 on Waterwagon Rd by NYS-34
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird - 3
Brown-headed Cowbird - 5
Purple Finch
House Finch
Common Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll - 1 on Sheldon Rd south of NYS-34-B found by Colleen Richards
Pine Siskin
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow

These species have already been found as Count Week birds, but may or may not 
have been found yet in the Cayuga Lake Basin in 2013:

Northern Shoveler - found count week last 3 days at Stewart & Treman Parks; 
found outside count circle today at Myers by Chris Wood
Canvasback - found count week by me off Treman Park
Lesser Black-backed Gull - count week: found on 30 December by me on 
southwestern Cayuga Lake
White-crowned Sparrow - count week (I don't know how many, where, when, or by 

These species have been found in previous counts, but are missing from this 
year's count. Some were flukes not expected again, others may be in the circle 
or elsewhere in the Cayuga Lake Basin. Please report these birds if you find 
them, especially if you find them in or near the count circle this Wednesday, 
Thursday or Friday, so we can include them as Count Week birds:

Greater White-fronted Goose
Ross's Goose
Mute Swan
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Green-winged Teal
King Eider
Red-breasted Merganser
Northern Bobwhite
Ring-necked Pheasant
Red-throated Loon
Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Green Heron
Red-shouldered Hawk
Golden Eagle
Wilson's Snipe
Bonaparte's Gull
Snowy Owl
Long-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Red-headed Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Eastern Phoebe
Boreal Chickadee
House Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Hermit Thrush
Gray Catbird
Brown Thrasher - unverified count week report on South Hill
Bohemian Waxwing
Orange-crowned Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow Warbler
Pine Warbler
Green-tailed Towhee
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Eastern Meadowlark
Rusty Blackbird
Common Grackle
Baltimore Oriole
Pine Grosbeak
Red Crossbill
White-winged Crossbill
Evening Grosbeak
SPOTTED SANDPIPER - not on count before; found by Kevin McGowan at Ladoga just 
outside count circle today

Get out and find 'em! A new year of listing has begun!
--Dave Nutter--
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