Answers and links!  (I think this went just to me by mistake)

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Anne Marie Johnson <>
> Date: January 3, 2013 5:37:11 PM EST
> To: Anne Clark <>
> Subject: Re: seed preferences
> The seed preference test Anne referred to was conducted by CLO in the early 
> 1990s. The research was reported in the Lab's newsletter, BirdScope (which 
> has since morphed into Living Bird News). You can see the articles here:
> Anne Marie Johnson
> On 1/3/2013 12:30 PM, Anne Clark wrote:
>> Re the milo seed--yes, there was an interesting publication based on a 
>> feeder-food preference study set up through the Citizen Science program at 
>> CLO to document what seeds were preferred.  That was when the clear 
>> geographic difference in use of milo was documented.  Interesting--some of 
>> the same species, such as mourning doves, were involved across a wide range. 
>>  But Eastern ones didn't like milo, Central ones did, as I recall.
>> I will try to find the study.
>> Anne
>> On Jan 3, 2013, at 11:01 AM, Glenn Wilson wrote:
>>> I just talked with the manufacturer of Garden Treasure bird seed 
>>> distributed by Lowes.
>>> The highlights for me were: Pretty much all Thistle feed comes from 
>>> Myanmar, Ethiopia, or India.
>>> There is a trade embargo against Myanmar now so current seed comes from 
>>> Ethiopia or India.
>>> Every companies feed that comes into the US goes through one of two 
>>> cleaning plants, one on each coast.
>>> I’m not too clear on the process these plants perform but I know they heat 
>>> the seed and attempt to remove chaff.
>>> From there, these two plants sell to seed manufacturers or in this case, 
>>> importers.
>>> I was told the problem I am most likely having is mold due to the seed’s 
>>> moisture and 1) plastic packaging, and 2) temperature cycling.
>>> We are in the process of trying to track down the date code of the bad seed 
>>> and have it removed from the shelves.
>>> He was Very knowledgeable and Very kind.
>>> One other interesting tidbit I gleaned from the conversation, although Milo 
>>> is a less-expensive filler seed up north here, it is a preferred seed in 
>>> Arizona where many of the birds are ground feeders.
>>> Glenn
>>> Endicott, NY
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