I made a very quick scan of Stewart Park at 12:30 today. I didn't find anything notable except for a PEREGRINE FALCON perched on the ice edge roughly straight out from the dock. Other birds observed included HOODED MERGANSER, COMMON MERGANSER, MALLARDS, BLACK DUCK, CORMORANT, and COOTS, in addition to the usual gull species and geese.
Anne Marie Johnson -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm ARCHIVES: 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html Please submit your observations to eBird: http://ebird.org/content/ebird/ --