To the Cayuga Birds community:

Are you looking for something fun to do this spring? Have you pledged to
spend more time with birds? Would you like meet new and interesting people?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you are talking to an
inanimate machine!  Ha ha. But seriously, allow me to recommend the Lab of
O's Spring Field Ornithology course.


For 36 years, people across central NY (and beyond) have looked forward to
Spring Field Ornithology, an 8-week course offered by the Lab. The 2013
course begins Wednesday, March 20th and runs through May 12th.

The course is designed for everyone from the complete beginner to the most
avid birder. The class consists of Wednesday night lectures, Saturday and
Sunday field trips to regional birding hotspots such as Braddock Bay Bird
Observatory, Derby Hill Hawkwatch, Montezuma, Sapsucker Woods and Dryden
Lake.  Two overnight trips to Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge and the
Cape May NJ area are course highlights. The lecture section also includes
two visits to the bird collection of the Cornell Museum of Vertebrates and
a nighttime 'owl prowl.'

Your instructors will be Steve Kress (you’ve tried the rest, now try the
Kress), Vice President for Bird Conservation for National Audubon, guest
lecturers from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and weekend trips led by
local birding experts. The weekly field trips are organized by beginning,
intermediate and advanced birding levels, with instruction tailored to the
interests and abilities of each group. There is a sense of community that
builds throughout the course, and many people enjoy the trips so much that
they return to take them year after year with their friends!

Enrollment is open to the general public, ages 12 and older.  You may sign
up for just the lectures, the 8 weeks of guided field trips, just the
overnights or all course sections.

See the website to watch a video about the course, look at photos, review
the course schedule and to enroll:
*.* <http://.>  If you have questions, contact me at,<>or call 607-254-2453.

Nest wishes,

Marc Devokaitis

Coordinator, Spring Field Ornithology



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