Nice mix of singers and activity back in the deeper wet woods this AM 7-8.
Singing and cooperatively up on a branch VEERY, singing from a branch 
SWAINSON'S THRUSH (also did a fascinating set of chortles like Catbird, meow 
like Sapsucker, etc. in between the rising song phrases), singing, visible, and 
interacting WOOD THRUSHes, multiple singing EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE; calling for 
several minutes YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO (not visible), singing OVENBIRD, shrieking 
RED-TAILED HAWK (maybe from a nest unseen, not on the wing). Multiple EASTERN 
PHOEBEs along the way, including one that I first mistook for a possible 
Olive-sided FC but I think the breast was too dark (as was the lighting at 
730am in the mid-undercanopy), though the bird was large and not tail-wagging 
when it perched after a hawking flight nor calling; maybe keep your eyes out 
for OSFL over by the pond edge. GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHER also was chortling.

Coming back across Podell, a MALLARD mom and 10 ducklings squirted out from 
under the boardwalk. After I snapped a couple pics and moved in, I heard her 
carrying on in a big ruckus and flying back and forth over the area, down low, 
so ran back over to see if it was a Mink attack, but could not see what the 
issue was before she and Dad seemed to have solved the problem and had 
ducklings in tow again (I could not do a second head count at that distance).

Take your mosquito juice: they are omnipresent and aggressive today! When I was 
recording the Swainson's, my arm looked like one of those malaria documentaries 
from the 40s.

Chris Pelkie
Research Analyst
Bioacoustics Research Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850


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