Today I went back again with more time and willingness to look from more angles. If you read carefully I qualified my previous post with the phrase "unless I am quite mistaken". Either the eagles are quick to rebuild or indeed I was quite mistaken. The nest has always been difficult to see from the road, but today with patience I was able to see it. I also talked to a neighbor who said he had heard eagles yesterday and seemed confident they would continue at this site. 
--Dave Nutter

On Aug 28, 2013, at 10:15 PM, "Dave Nutter" <> wrote:

Today I stopped by Maplewood Road off NYS-89 in Ulysses to confirm my impression on a recent drive-by: there were no Bald Eagles in the nest tree (which did not surprise me, since I thought the 2 young had likely fledged and moved on) but there was also NO NEST. It seems to have fallen down for some reason. The nest tree is stil there, but unless I am quite mistaken, the nest is not merely hidden but missing altogether. I wonder if the heavy rains a couple weeks ago did it in. At least the nest did not bring down the tree, as sometimes happens with Bald Eagles. I wonder if the pair will rebuild here based on 4 succesful seasons at this site.
--Dave Nutter
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