I started my Fall season today atop Mt. Pleasant, from 1120 til 1420, hoping
for very early broadwing kettles.  The earliest I have noted kettles there
is Sept. 11, and I saw none today.  I did watch 2 interesting behavioral
encounters, however.  First was a pair of RAVENS who appeared in view off
and on for 2 hours, always flying in tandem, sometimes wingtip to wingtip,
sometimes as much as 20' apart.  Observed 1 barrelroll.  But at one point,
as they flew side-by-side, each turned to face the other, extended their
legs and appeared to briefly touch toes before righting and continuing.
I've not seen this before.

Second; when I arrived at the towers side, a bunch of AMER. CROWS were using
very discourteous language toward something in the trees with them.  This
went on for 10 minutes, when a single RAVEN flew out, followed by a raucous
mass of at least 50 CROWS.  I was watching the mass, trying to get a count
for Kevin, and noted a large brown bird flying along within the group,
acting like a crow wannabe.  This was a COOPERS HAWK, which the crows
apparently ignored.  After 50 yards, the hawk obtained presence of mind, and
did a right angle turn back into the trees.  The crows continued in pursuit
of the raven, who soon outdistanced them.


A list of other birds observed follows:


Kestrel      2

Turkey vulture    5

Canada geese   flocks of 7, 11, 6

Tree swallow   around 25

Barn swallow   2

Osprey    1

Pigeon    75

Red-tailed hawk    1

Sharp-shinned hawk    1

Bald eagle   2  (1 adult; 1 juv.)


Steve Fast



On a very disappointing note-I saw no Monarch butterflies today.  I often
count 2,3,4 dozen going over.  What happened?






Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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