So , instead of admiring the ducks at Wegman's, next time I'll be looking for 

Smile:  it's contagious!
Donna Jean

On Friday, November 15, 2013 12:08 AM, Upstate NY Birding digest 
<> wrote:
CAYUGABIRDS-L Digest for Thursday, November 14, 2013.
>1. Audubons Warbler
>2. Wegmans area birds; Stewart Park
>3. Monday Night Seminar: November 18--Behind the Scenes With Bird Cams--Live 
>4. Re: Wegmans area birds; Stewart Park
>5. Mt Pleasant Horned Larks
>Subject: Audubons Warbler
>From: Christopher Wood <>
>Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 07:45:58 -0500
>X-Message-Number: 1
>There is an Audubons Warbler along the canal on the west side of the
>Wegmans parking lot (Ithaca). 7:45 thursday 14 November.
>Team Sapsucker
>Cornell Lab
>Chris Wood
>eBird & Neotropical Birds Project Leader
>Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York
>Subject: Wegmans area birds; Stewart Park
>From: Jay McGowan <>
>Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 10:26:59 -0500
>X-Message-Number: 2
>I spent some time looking for the Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler that Team
>Sapsucker found at Wegmans this morning. I did hear it give its distinctive
>chip note on the other side of the canal, but I never got a look at it.
>Several MYRTLE YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS were around, as well as the
>continuing YELLOW WARBLER and a very late LINCOLN'S SPARROW! I will check
>for the Audubon's again at lunch time and will post if it is still around.
>At Stewart Park, a female BLACK SCOTER is hanging out with the Ruddy Duck
>flock off the east end, giving very nice looks. Redheads and both scaup are
>also present.
>Also, nothing incredible but some cool birds at Myers yesterday morning
>with the strong north winds, including tons of loons (some higher up than I
>have ever seen a bird!), a smattering of waterfowl, and some nice Snow
>Jay McGowan
>Macaulay Library
>Cornell Lab of Ornithology
>Subject: Monday Night Seminar: November 18--Behind the Scenes With Bird 
>Cams--Live Stream
>From: Marc Devokaitis <>
>Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:13:58 -0500
>X-Message-Number: 3
>Hello All,
>Please join us at 7:30 p.m. on November 18th for the next Monday Night
>Seminar.  As always, these seminars are free and open to the public. The
>doors open at 7:00.
>Once more, and for the final time this semester, we will be streaming the
>presentation live—Bookmark this
>easy access on Monday evening. And
>if you missed the last two live-streamed seminars, you can check them out
>Hope you can make it!
>*Behind the Scenes With Bird Cams*
>*Speaker: Charles Eldermire, Bird Cams Project Leader, Cornell Lab of
>Ornithology. Host: Miyoko Chu*
>There's a lot more to Bird Cams than providing live, streaming video of
>cute nestlings. Eldermire will take listeners behind the scenes of this
>hugely popular Cornell Lab project. He'll discuss some of the unexpected
>pleasures and problems that arise when unscripted natural history plays out
>before the eyes of millions of deeply engaged fans.
>This seminar will be streamed live. Copy the following web address into
>your browser to see and hear the presentation:
>*More Upcoming Seminars:*
>*December 2*
>*Climate Change, Food Caching, and Winter Breeding: The Story of a
>Declining Gray Jay Population*
>*Speaker: Ryan Norris, Department of Integrative Biology, University of
>Guelph. Host: Irby Lovette*
>A bird of the Canadian boreal forests, Gray Jays breed in late winter
>andrely on cached food to survive. But at the southern edge of the
>range in Algonquin Park, Ontario, the jays have been declining for the past
>20 years. One hypothesis is that increasingly warmer fall temperatures are
>spoiling cached food. Using data from a banded population that spans more
>than 50 years as well as a series of novel experiments, Norris presents
>results that test both the assumptions and predictions of the “hoard-rot
>*December 9 Cayuga Bird Club Meeting and Seminar*
>*The Way West: Birding with a Microphone*
>*Speaker: Bob McGuire, sound recordist, former CBC president, and editor of
>"Birding the Cayuga Lake Basin." Host: Laura Stenzler*
>McGuire says recording bird song is his excuse for getting outdoors and for
>traveling. He’ll describe a trip to record birds in Texas, Arizona,
>California, and Oregon. The talk will include photos of the birds, their
>habitats, and a selection of recordings. Cayuga Bird Club meeting and
>speaker, starting at 7:15 with cookies and conversation. Bird club business
>begins at 7:30 followed by the speaker presentation. All are invited and
>*Seminars are held at 7:30* *p.m. in the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's
>Visitor Center auditorium except on night indicated as Cayuga Bird Club
>meetings, with club business at 7:30 p.m., followed by the seminar. Doors
>open at 7:00 and close when the auditorium is filled. Seminars are free and
>open to the public. *
>Marc Devokaitis
>Lab of Ornithology
>Subject: Re: Wegmans area birds; Stewart Park
>From: Jay McGowan <>
>Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:06:46 -0500
>X-Message-Number: 4
>Audubon's Warbler still present across canal from Wegmans parking lot.
>On Nov 14, 2013 10:26 AM, "Jay McGowan" <> wrote:
>> I spent some time looking for the Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler that
>> Team Sapsucker found at Wegmans this morning. I did hear it give its
>> distinctive chip note on the other side of the canal, but I never got a
>> look at it. Several MYRTLE YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS were around, as well as
>> the continuing YELLOW WARBLER and a very late LINCOLN'S SPARROW! I will
>> check for the Audubon's again at lunch time and will post if it is still
>> around.
>> At Stewart Park, a female BLACK SCOTER is hanging out with the Ruddy Duck
>> flock off the east end, giving very nice looks. Redheads and both scaup are
>> also present.
>> Also, nothing incredible but some cool birds at Myers yesterday morning
>> with the strong north winds, including tons of loons (some higher up than I
>> have ever seen a bird!), a smattering of waterfowl, and some nice Snow
>> Buntings:
>> -Jay
>> --
>> Jay McGowan
>> Macaulay Library
>> Cornell Lab of Ornithology
>Subject: Mt Pleasant Horned Larks
>From: "Marie P. Read" <>
>Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 02:10:49 +0000
>X-Message-Number: 5
>HI all,
>Forgot to post this earlier, but a flock of 2 dozen or so Horned Larks flushed 
>up from the side of the road at the field that has just had corn harvested, 
>east end of Mt Pleasant Road, about 11 am today. First time I've seen Horned 
>Larks up there for weeks.
>Marie Read Wildlife Photography
>452 Ringwood Road
>Freeville NY  13068 USA
>Phone  607-539-6608
>***NEW***  Music of the Birds Vol 1 ebook for Apple iPad now available from 

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