To all David Cup participants and bemused onlookers, past, current, & future:

* I made 2014 tables for the major categories. New categories can also be added.
* Only a few people have started filling out 2014 info so far. Please join us.

* I moved all the 2013 tables to a new page "2013 Cup" accessed in the double row table below the 2014 stuff.
* Please finalize your 2013 info.

* Very few people entered a number for Yard List, or Town of Ithaca, or Town of Lansing, or Town of Dryden, or Tompkins County, or Office List, or Luddite List. I think these should be opened up retroactively to participants (opnions, Cuppers?). How many species did others find in these places & ways?

* Meena says she can't add her info to the wiki site despite having the password. Do others have this problem?
* Who is administrator of the wiki site, anyway? We need your help to add new Cuppers and to help Meena.
--Dave Nutter
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