Having seen/heard 96 new birds so far for the year, I started out today 
thinking, maybe, I could find 100 for the month of January. (Silly game - but 
it gets me outside!)

I hung around a private feeder until 9 am when the Purple Finch showed up. 
Beautiful male, backlit by the sun. #97.

Then I spent an hour at the compost piles picking through the hundreds of gulls 
that were waiting to be fed from the CU dining halls' refuse. Ring-billed, 
Herring, and Great Black-backed Gulls of all ages but no white-winged gulls. 
(Checking in later with Jay, he missed them today as well.)

There was a report of  Red-necked Grebe yesterday at Ladoga (how come the 
report never made it to the listserve and/or the RBA??). Scoping into the brisk 
south wind was not fun, but I did manage to find what I thought might have been 
the grebe.  It was bouncing around in the waves and then went to rest with its 
head tucked - and then disappeared altogether. So I had to make due with a 
Tompkins County Eared Grebe. And lots of Long-tailed Ducks. Just about then 
Steve Fast showed up with an invitation to lunch at Dories, so off we went. 

>From the boathouse in Aurora we spotted at least 10 Horned Grebes (no Eared 
>Grebe there) plus the expected Goldeneye, Buffleheads, and a few White-winged 
>Scoters. There were no White-fronted Geese at Farleys and none among the 
>hundreds of Canadas on Mill Pond in Union Springs. The rest of the lake north 
>was frozen except for a channel between Cayuga and Mud Lock. No Lesser 
>Black-backed Gull at Dean's Cove. No grebes of loons along Elm Beach Road - 
>but there were two WW Scoters.

Finally, back to Ithaca and up again to Ladoga. Where I did, finally, get a 
satisfactory look at the Red-necked Grebe. #98 for the year. Still one more 
day, but I'm beginning to think that 100 in January is out of reach - for me 

Bob McGuire


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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