Hi all,
I took lunch out on top of Mundy. Then walked around from Mundy to Comstock 
Knoll and back to BTI. It was a wonderful day.
While having lunch watched silently feeding COMMON YELLOWTHROATS and YELLOW 
WARBLERS. And several Cedar Waxwings which were feeding on Buckthorn and rose 
berries. A couple of Catbirds chased each other from respective territories.
Then I heard a vireo, I first thought it was a Blue-headed, but on hearing 
clearly I realized it was an YELLOW THROATED VIREO.  I got a beautiful look at 
it from a close distance. This first time in twenty years I have seen this bird 
While I was heading down to Mundy I heard a WOOD THRUSH and a RED-EYED VIREO.
As I reached bottom of the Mundy, I saw thrush under a hemlock, I was thinking 
it could be a Wood Thrush, but o a closer look I realized it was a VEERY. It 
was hunting on bare branches and saw it eating a caterpillar.  WARBLING VIEROS 
were squabbling in the sycamore.
I continued walking along Fall Creek under another sycamore, I saw  bird with 
bright spots again I thought I might be looking at Wood Thrush as I had heard 
it. But its raised head told me that it is something else. A beautiful OVENBIRD 
was staring at me and then continued  feeding. It caught a large noctuid 
caterpillar of about 2 inches long and it maneuvered the caterpillar and 
finally ate the whole thing.
Then I had a fantastic encounter with the common American Robin.  A female 
American Robin caught a wooly bear caterpillar right in front of me. So I got 
curious to see if it is going to eat or not.    So I watched the robin batter 
the caterpillar on the ground and rub it on the grass for more than five 
minutes till  the caterpillar became bald then gulped it in a one go! While she 
was eating the male robin, her partner) was nearby and he kept watch on me. At 
one point he walked straight at me in threatening posture, because I was 
looking at her.
Then I continued my walk, at the Comstock Knoll just in front of the Summer 
House I saw an ORANGE CROWNED WARBLER, which sang once while feeding in the 
hemlock.  I also heard the PINE WARBLER trilling. As I was climbing the stairs 
to Tower Road I heard a BLACK-THROATED BLUE singing! CHIMNEY SWIFTS were 
chattering away above my head.

I the morning just near Mitchell street  end in the ravine I heard one of each 
CHESTNUT-SIDED, NASHVILLE and a TENESSEE Warblers I posted these in the 
morning. Afterwards,  I also  I heard a CAPEMAY WARBLER singing from the 
spruces of NB and B professor's yard. A COOPERS HAWK that flew by at time made 
a GROSBEAK 'chink', and chickadees and TUTI go into alarm mode.
Again in the evening while we wee having our FLNPS meeting at the Summer House 
I heard two PINE WARBLERS trilling

Totally, today I had eleven species of warblers including a YELLOW-RUMPED 
Warbler which landed from the sky as I was watching it!

Dr. Meena Haribal
Boyce Thompson Institute
Ithaca NY 14850
Ph: 607-3011167


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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