Decided to bike Michigan Hollow today. Where the FLT crosses the road, I heard 
a red-shouldered hawk (which I'd filed in my mind as sounding like a repeating 
sapsucker), and looked up to see... an osprey? Puzzled, I kept looking and soon 
two red-shouldered hawks swooped by to harass the osprey. The two were heard 
and seen again later circling high.

Further down the road I heard the Acadian Flycatcher exactly where Geo said it 
was - thanks. Was not able to get a visual, alas.

Two lifers for me, and Luddite ones to boot :-)

Also of note were four different singing hooded warblers in various spots in 
the state forest, a yellow-throated vireo, and a noisy sapsucker nesthole.

Finally, I heard what sounded like a Nashville warbler, and found the singer to 
be a redstart. Last week at Esker Brook we found a redstart singing yellow 
warbler. Earlier at the SFO Arnot trip we had a redstart singing 
black-and-white. Are redstarts known to be mimics? Given that the esker brook 
one was next to yellow habitat, and the Arnot one was close to a 
black-and-white, I'm inclined to think they're deliberate mimics. The Arnot one 
was quite interesting, in fact. I suspected right away that it was a redstart, 
but wasn't entirely sure why I thought so. Then we got an opportunity to hear 
both the redstart and black-and-white in succession, and to my lo-fi human ears 
they had the same pitch and timbre. The only difference was emphasis - the 
redstart seemed to be shouting while the b&w sang more calmly.


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