Yes I've also seen a Merlin along NYS-13A near the City/Town line. It was 
awhile ago and I don't recall the date, but I agree that's an area it's been. 
On the evening of 6 July I saw a Merlin over Cass Park, initially flying north 
over West Hill and being harassed by a couple smaller birds - in other words it 
was coming from the area you describe. The Merlin then flew alone east over 
Cass Park and continued toward downtown. Considering the distances they cover 
it's hard to say where that bird's home base is. 

--Dave Nutter

On Jul 19, 2014, at 06:10 PM, John Confer <> wrote:

> Just curious.
> The Merlin pair seen copulating and at a nest on Hudson Street seems to have 
> failed in that a few visits to the nest site failed to show any activity when 
> young would be expected. Is their any better info?
> I heard a Merlin calling (19 July) on Floral Ave near the apartment complex 
> and near the end of the row of solar panels with street lights and in the 
> vicinity of some very tall pines on the west side of the road. Did any one 
> else have any indication of Merlin in that area?
> Cheers,
> John
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