<large, motorized, polluting, loud, deadly vehicle is preferable to a human 
being on foot, or on a bicycle.

Well, most of the vehicles cruising the wildlife drive are going extremely 
slowly because people are trying to see the wildlife, so they're not really 
loud and deadly (when they're going 60 mph on the highway, of course they ARE). 
They certainly are large, motorized and polluting. But from a bird's point of 
view, usually once the birds have got used to vehicles they tend to ignore 
them…simply because vehicles don't look like people! The same reason birds 
eventually ignore a photo blind, even if it's a large canvas box! Step outside 
and they're gone! 

People on foot and on bikes would absolutely be more disruptive…especially from 
a photographer's point of view. Given that people on foot (especially 
photographers like myself) would always want to be closer, I can imagine how 
they might approach the cattail edge closer than is now possible by car. I know 
I would be tempted. That would certainly push away birds such as the gallinules 
that were right along that edge with their chicks last week. And that spoils it 
all for the people coming up behind you. Last week from my vehicle I was able 
to get amazing close-ups of them feeding their young. So, somewhat to my 
surprise (given how many times in the past decades I have cursed MNWR's "in 
your vehicle" restriction) I find myself wanting to keep the restriction…in my 
opinion removing it would ruin MNWR's wildlife drive for bird photography. 

But someone did suggest another option: a few more spots around the refuge 
(especially along the drive) where you can get out. Halfway along the channel 
on the wildlife drive would, in my opinion, be ideal for one of those spots. 
Maybe a nice wooden deck out over the water? (I know….$$$ !) Any birds residing 
in the vicinity would likely become used to seeing people there and eventually 
ignore them. Of course, how to contain the parking and corral the people so 
they don't simply wander up and down the drive on either side of the deck would 
be perennial problems. 


Marie Read Wildlife Photography
452 Ringwood Road
Freeville NY  13068 USA

Phone  607-539-6608
e-mail   m...@cornell.edu


Author of Sierra Wings: Birds of the Mono Lake Basin    Available here:

From: bounce-117686157-5851...@list.cornell.edu 
[bounce-117686157-5851...@list.cornell.edu] on behalf of Lisa Welch 
Sent: Monday, August 4, 2014 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] MNWR Caspian Terns and pedestrians on the Wildlife 
Drive :(

I find it counter-intuitive that a large, motorized, polluting, loud, deadly 
vehicle is preferable to a human being on foot, or on a bicycle.  Perhaps it's 
people AND cars that scares the birds.  :-)

On Saturday, August 2, 2014 7:47 PM, Bard Prentiss <prenti...@frontiernet.net> 

I don't remember anyone addressing this long standing annoyance in the manner I 
mention below and I think its worth a try:
Perhaps the bird clubs in the region could each submit thoughtful  petitions to 
the director of mnwr requesting a policy change. If Chris didn't mind one might 
also originate with this list serve. It would be difficult for a public servant 
to ignore several hundred signatures behind a group of thoughtfully worded 
letters and It should at least generate a response and get a dialogue going.
Bird Hard Bard

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 2, 2014, at 6:08 PM, John VanNiel 
> <john.vann...@flcc.edu<mailto:john.vann...@flcc.edu>> wrote:
> Meena, this is exactly the kind f discussion I was hoping to instigate. I am 
> not against a change in policy, but I am for enforcement of policies.
> Dr. John Van Niel
> Professor of Environmental Conservation
> Director, East Hill Campus
> Finger Lakes Community College
> ________________________________________
> From: Meena Madhav Haribal [m...@cornell.edu<mailto:m...@cornell.edu>]
> Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2014 5:59 PM
> To: John VanNiel
> Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] MNWR Caspian Terns and pedestrians on the 
> Wildlife Drive :(
> Hi John and all,
> My question to you is were the birds disturbed by so many people being out. I 
> have been to MNWR for more than 20 years. When I started birding MNWR there 
> was no restriction of being in the car. We could walk around on the drive.
> I have been to many NWR refuges, nowhere there was restrictions as to be in 
> car. I have seen shorebirds and other birds from as close as few feet from 
> me. Birds get used to human beings if we are not shooting them or harassing 
> them. So why there is so much fuss about disturbing the non_existing birds on 
> the wildlife drive.
> I am for the one who believe in opening the drive to foot traffic.
> I agree if someone is harassing the birds they should be stopped. If someone 
> is digiscoping that means birds were  far anyway, so why complain about them?
> I vote for wildlife drive should be open for foot traffic!
> Cheers
> Meena
> John VanNiel <john.vann...@flcc.edu<mailto:john.vann...@flcc.edu>> wrote:
> Many Caspian Terns along the Wildlife Drive at Montezuma this afternoon. I 
> very much enjoyed trying to photograph them in flight. (Now the rant..) What 
> I did NOT enjoy were all the people out of their vehicles. Every single 
> person in the five cars ahead of me were out of the vehicles. A young couple 
> were digiscoping with a nice spotting scope on a tripod. Another woman with a 
> large telephoto lens was parked in the middle of the drive and was excitedly 
> taking photos. Two elderly women were down at the edge of the water snapping 
> pictures of the mallows in bloom. I could go on....  I moved to Seneca Falls 
> 19 years ago and have been a regular visitor since. I cannot recall a year 
> when the foot traffic was as bad as I have seen it this year. There are two 
> signs that instruct visitors to stay in their vehicles that drivers pass 
> before entering the drive and a third reminder after the big left turn before 
> Benning Marsh. However, I can understand how visitors would miss seeing them. 
> I think this is a problem that needs a solution. I would like to speak to the 
> Refuge staff formally about it.  If anyone would like to join me or have me 
> relay his or her thoughts, please contact me offline. Thank you for your time.
> Dr. John Van Niel
> Professor of Environmental Conservation
> Director, East Hill Campus
> Finger Lakes Community College
> ________________________________________
> --
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2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
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