Here's a quick report, even though I was not the leader for today's shorebird 
field trip onto the otherwise-restricted dikes around Knox-Marsellus marsh at 
Montezuma NWR. The heavy rains of the past few days have raised the water level 
enough to cover all mud and flood much of the grass. The number of shorebirds 
is down, and the viewing is challenging but there is still a good variety.

Semipalmated Plover - 1
Greater Yellowlegs - several in water past their bellies, apparently swimming 
in channels between peninsulas
Lesser Yellowlegs - several feeding the wet grass of what used to be dry part 
of peninsulas
Ruddy Turnstone - 1 non-breeding plumage, mostly very hard to see in wet grass 
of peninsulas among gulls
Sanderling - 1 adult non-breeding plumage, mostly very hard to see in wet grass
Pectoral Sandpiper - 2
White-rumped Sandpiper - 2 at north end, only seen by me after everyone else 
turned back
Semipalmated Sandpiper - a few seen by the group, a couple dozen at the north 
Least Sandpiper - a few seen by the group, some flew into grass and disappeared
Short-billed Dowitcher - at least 3 juveniles of the 5 dowitchers I saw
Long-billed Dowitcher - seen by the main group before I was part of it

I understand that efforts are already underway to drain water from the 
impoundment and expose the mudflats again, but the process takes a few days. 
More shorebirds should be on the way, including additional possible species and 
the juveniles of species we've seen so far.

I'll be leading a field trip to the same area on Sunday 31 August. We'll meet 
at the Montezuma NWR Visitor Center at 8am and caravan from there. Please sign 
up through the refuge by calling 315-568-5987. These trips are open to the 
public and there is no fee. I encourage people who have scopes to bring and 
share them so everyone can learn more about these cool long-distance migrants.

The following field trip in this series after that is three weeks later on 
Sunday 21 September, meeting at the Montezuma NWR Visitor Center at 8:30am and 
hosted by Cayuga Bird Club President Paul Anderson.

--Dave Nutter

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