As someone who rarely sends messages on the cayugabirds listserv, I 
apologize if I'm so far off topic as to be breaking rules.  I just 
wanted to share something my husband, Jack, and I watched from our 2nd 
story living room yesterday.

A red fox with a full and healthy-looking coat came from the side of our 
house to the front yard. He/she trotted between our two cars parked 
side-by-side in front of the house, then moved to the snow-covered 
expanse of the front yard. (We live outside Newfield and have more snow 
than some in the area.) The fox trotted to the middle of the yard, 
intently listening (I think) and watching the snow in front of her.  
Suddenly, she jumped into the air and came down head-first, burying her 
head in the snow.  Up she came, and pounced again, head-first into the 
snow.  She did this 3 times and the last time, she came up with her 
lunch:  a mouse, I think.  She ate it quickly in about 3 bites, then 
squatted, pooped, and trotted off, seemingly quite satisfied with herself.

I've seen videos of this hunting behavior before, but never had the 
privilege of seeing it first-hand.  What a treat.

Kathy Kramer


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