Hi all,
A couple interesting things in Tompkins County recently. Local birder Dan
Otis alerted me to the presence of a GREAT HORNED OWL nest on the Newman
Municipal Golf Course. The birds are nesting in an old Red-tailed Hawk nest
in a tall tree in the middle of the course. It's quite high up and easily
visible from a distance, so disturbance of the birds shouldn't be an issue.
Livia and I checked it out yesterday and found the best view from Pier Road
just after turning right off of Willow Ave. then looking back to the left.
An adult was nicely visible sitting high on the nest. I was also able to
see the nest, which is fairly large and conspicuous if you have an
unobstructed view, from Stewart Park along Fall Creek looking southwest,
but this view was more distant and obscured than from Pier Road. Since to
my knowledge we have not seen the nest of the Renwick Woods owl family for
a couple of years now, it seems highly probably these are the same birds.

This morning I looked around Myers Point for a while. I did not succeed in
locating the Tufted Duck (last seen, as far as I know, by Livia and me on
Monday morning on the north side of the Salt Point spit). I did find a dull
immature MUTE SWAN with 58 Tundra Swans on the spit just east of the
private marina. Dabbler numbers were high as well, with some really
impressive NORTHERN PINTAIL flocks out in the middle of the lake totaling
over 300 birds. Dozens of AMERICAN WIGEON, at least six GREEN-WINGED TEAL,
seven WOOD DUCKS in the marina, three WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS, and the usual
mix of Aythya (numbers greatly reduced from previous weeks) rounded out the
waterfowl mix. An adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL was preening with the gull
flock off the marina. Monday evening, Livia and I saw two adult Lessers and
an adult ICELAND GULL on ice floes off the point. Immature Iceland continue
to be seen sporadically at the compost piles as well.

Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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