(Below is a re-post from the State College PA listserv; perhaps someone
around here could help Alissa out.  I didn't include the attached picture.  
Don T.)

Hello everyone,

I'm currently assisting the Penn State Arboretum in developing avian
education curriculum for children. I'm in the process of creating 12" x 12"
placards that feature 20 common Pennsylvania feeder and/or backyard birds. I
ve been searching for a Cooper's Hawk photo that fits the parameters of my
design for about three weeks, but none are working, and at this point, I'm
getting rather desperate! (My telephoto lens is being repaired, so I can't
take my own photo either.)

If you have a Cooper's Hawk photograph you might consider contributing,
please email me at ajp2...@gmail.com It must be 300 DPI, low ISO, and
feature the hawk clearly and prominently (I.e. Not at a distance or through
a window). The real problem I've been facing is finding an image where hawk
is STANDING (not perched) with the tail at a somewhat downward angle (see
attached example; not my photo). I can do a bit of photomanipulation if you
have something close.

The photographer would would retain ALL rights (both digital and nondigital)
and would be credited on the reverse of the placard. (I would require the
photographer to sign a legal contract confirming that neither I, nor the
university, will hold any rights to the image). 

Have a photo that might work? Please let me know ASAP! (I would be happy to
provide an example of another finished placard design so you could see how
it would be used.)

Thank you!
Alissa Pendorf 

Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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