Hi Ben,

I just saw the same thing a moment ago, except the Raven was flying _toward_ 
the L-P preserve (that is, leaving the nest area on a foraging mission), and 
very tightly harassed by a Crow, all the way down to the WD Fire Station area. 
Might even have been a member of the Crow family that's currently nesting in my 
yard, since the Ravens are passing back and forth right over the Crows' 

-Geo Kloppel

On Apr 11, 2015, at 12:33 PM, Benjamin Freeman <bg...@cornell.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> I went for a nice walk this morning at Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve. 
> Phoebes are back, Great Blue Herons are standing on nests near the fire 
> station (looked like seven occupied nests), fox sparrows and golden-crowned 
> kinglets were around, and a smattering of migrants passed overhead (common 
> loon, rough-legged hawk, and many turkey vultures).
> One interesting observation I wanted to share: I was watching a raven fly 
> across the valley when a bird came out of nowhere to chase and harass the 
> raven. It was a crow, and the crow followed the raven until I lost sight of 
> the two corvids. I've seen small groups of crows harass solitary ravens many 
> times, but don't think I've previously seen a single crow harass a single 
> raven with such vigor.
> Best,
> Ben
> -- 
> Benjamin Freeman
> Ph.D. candidate
> Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, NY, USA
> benjamingfreeman.com
> --
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