Yesterday from 7-9pm, I saw two or possibly more INDIGO BUNTINGS (immature?
 moulting?) in the cypress trees and cottonwoods along the main road going
left and right as you hit the T-of that road.  COMMON YELLOW THROATS at
Jetty Woods, tons of vicious mosquitoes.  CHIPPING SPARROWS hopping around
the grass and cypress tree trunks and EASTERN KINGBIRDS perching on tree
tops making sudden dashes for an insect.  They seemed to be everywhere
calling on the Newman Golf Course (heard and seen) all the way to the Swan
Pond.  I did not see or hear the Green Herons this time.  The pond had
become pea soup since a few days ago; perhaps that affected their hunting?
Also did not see or hear or the Cedar Waxwings this time.  I saw a Great
Blue Heron doing what appeared to be trick maneuvers in the air over the
Fall Creek inlet.  It was flying horizontally toward me, then suddenly turn
90 degrees perpendicular, returned to level, then 90 the other way, then
made a quick U-turn and flew upstream up the creek, all of this under 15
seconds and looking like it knew what it was doing (little or no wobble
coming out of the turns).  WOOD THRUSH heard for the first time ever (by
me) coming from Fuertes Bird Sanctuary, nearer to Route 13 and the creek
shore side.

I bumped into a birder who told me he had seen in past winters: Peregrine
Falcons hunting over the inlet, a coyote out on the lighthouse strip eyeing
the waterfowl, and an osprey diving at a GBH multiple times...I am going to
start mapping the inlet area and welcome input or unique stories or
patterns birders have noticed in this area over time.  I love this area of
the lake so much, and would love to see the Cascadilla Boat House restored
and used for educational purposes to further the mission of local education
institutions.   Perhaps having a detailed map of the area might illuminate
its (obvious) unique properties but maybe it might show something unseen
yet valuable for educational purposes. Perhaps people who don't make it up
to the Laboratory of Ornithology or the Cayuga Nature Center might be
reached by having a lake habitat location?

I'd love to see that building completely restored with original wrap-around
porch and scopes on all four sides with "sit spots" for people to sit and
watch for hours!!!  I'd love for there to be an emphasis on art as tool for
educating/learning about natural history and seasonal cycles...offering
sustainability workshops/events... Anyone else agree?  Other ideas for use
for the upstairs part of the building (assuming the rowing group is
staying)? Does this project appeal to anyone?  Does anyone know how to find
out the current status of the boat house?  I actually looked into a similar
idea back in 1996, but the idea was not well received.  Now that the rent
has been raised, maybe sharing the space is a more viable idea.  (I plan to
call the City and find out more.)  Any thoughts about whether the Lab of O
or other organizations (e.g. Cayuga Nature Center, New Roots, Sustainable
Tompkins, Cayuga Watershed Network, senior citizens,...) might be
interested in exploring how this building could serve the greatest number
of people and give them access to all the lake has to offer, which is so
much!!!  We have a great quality of life here in Ithaca, and the Cayuga
Waterfront Trail is such a great gift.  Wouldn't having the boat house
restored be icing on the cake!
 * * * * * * * * *
*"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ALIVE, for what
the world needs is people who have come ALIVE."  - Dr. Howard Thurman,
American Theologian, Clergyman and Activist (1900-1981) *

Sandra (Sandy) Wold
Cayuga Basin Bioregion Map, Author/Originator/Designer/Publisher,
Sustainability Educator/Artist,
Math/Science Tutor,


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