After a great RBA field trip, which is not my story to tell (but worth waiting 
for!),  I headed to a few spots and ended up at the Knox-Marcellus overlook 
well after 7 PM for my traditional evening "last-call" birding.  Before too 
long, I'd picked out a Phalarope that looked much different (SPOILER ALERT) 
from the Wilson's Phalarope we'd seen earlier. (/SPOILER).  This Phalarope was 
quite dark on the back, always in the water, and fed in constant "Crazy 
Ivan"-type spinning motions. The bird was associating with Yellowlegs but was 
easily picked out with its fine bill, slender neck, dainty build, and unique 
behavior.  I think it was the Red-necked but in that light I really have only 
behavioral cues to go by.  

Later in the evening, two Sandhill cranes flew in to Puddlers.  They joined the 
group of 12 already in that marsh. and soon afterwards the family group of 
three from the near marsh flew over to join in and make up 17 Sandhills.  At 
8:12, the two Great Egrets that had settled into Puddlers were joined by 15 new 
birds, mixing in with the Sandhills to form a 50/50 mix and a very impressive 
grouping, visually.    While that group was forming, at least six Black-crowned 
Night Herons had crept out of the BCNH bush, with six congregating in the 
corner of Puddler's straight out from the overlook, and one joining the Great 
Blues on the Knox-Marcellus side.   

My first Purple Martins of the day came out at dusk, too, vocalizing in their 
easily-distinguishable way.  Common Yellowthroats spit and wichety-ed, and 
swallows were EVERYwhere,  In time, mosquitos were everywhere, too - so despite 
the lovely cool weather and gorgeous sky, I called it a night before full dark. 
 It takes a fair amount of bug-bite torture to get me to leave my sundown happy 
place.  :)



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