To Pete,
To the few (I hope) others who receive my CayugaBirds postings garbled,
To anyone who knows someone in that situation and is willing to forward this 
info to them, and
To anyone who understands and/or is willing to fix the problem:

I have heard before that a few people in some situations only get garble from 
me via CayugaBirds-L. Others obviously are able to read the messages perfectly 
well, so these people do not understand the issue.

Although I like to think of myself as a pretty good birder and writer, I am not 
a technical computer person.

I know that what I type shows up on my keyboard with only the usual number of 
typos. When I send it, it gets communicated and transformed numerous times by 
my software, then by my internet service, then by Cornell's "lyris" system of 
listservs, then in Pete's case by the ABA's collection of CayugaBirds-L 
postings, then by whatever internet sevice you use, by whatever device you are 
receiving it on and the software it uses. All of these were designed by good 
but flawed people working for good but flawed companies who sort of care about 
you and me in a general way, but not specifically enough to have solved this 
problem yet. Or maybe they deliberately created the problem because it made 
something else more convenient, because it doesn't affect enough people who 
make enough noise yet.

The system works for most people, and what I receive looks as good to me as 
when I sent it out. Yet something deep on my end of the chain is incompatible 
with something deep on your end if it doesn't work for you. It doesn't seem to 
be a Cornell problem necessarily. Rather it seems to be how somebody else is 
handling messages from Cornell and getting them to you.

Is it possible that I could change something and make it better for you? 
Probably, since other people are able to send messages which don't arrive to 
you garbled. However, I have neither the expertise to diagnose the problem, nor 
the money to buy new stuff, nor the desire to change an email and 
record-keeping system that mostly works for me. Sorry. Of course you can wait 
hopefully until my system irrevocably crashes or is made incompatible with the 
rest of the world I care about. Then I will have to buy something new, which 
may or may not work better.

Would Cornell be able to figure out and solve the problem? Doubtless they have 
experts, but their service mostly works for their actual subscribers (which 
seems not to directly include you), so they may not be interested, but one 
could ask. You could start with the CayugaBirds-L manager Chris Tessaglia-Hymes 
(cth4 at cornell dot edu) and see what he says or who he connects you with. For 
a head start I copied this email to him.

Maybe the ABA folks should be asked what they are doing to my posts. It seems 
pretty irresponsible of them to garble or delete my messages while claiming 
they are providing a record.

Perhaps you could try something other than the ABA's "service". For instance, 
at the bottom of every CayugaBirds-L post there is a link to ARCHIVES. Choice 
#1 works for me, but of course that proves nothing because I never had a 
problem reading my posts. Anyway how about looking here:

I hope this direct email to you works, and I hope to see you tomorrow at 

--Dave Nutter

On Aug 28, 2015, at 04:15 PM, Asher Hockett <> wrote:

> I looked at the ABA posts taken from CayugaBirds. Dave Nutter's show header 
> information and the content appears to be lacking. I doubt this has anything 
> to do with his posting, but rather something which happens when ABA lifts the 
> CB data.
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 10:11 AM, Peter <> wrote:
>     Dear folks:
>     Perhaps there is a misunderstanding due to the word(s) I used in my 
> previous email.
>     When I go online to the American Birding Association site and choose the 
> "Birdingnews" tab it populates a list of clubs around the country.
>     From that list I choose the "New York Cayuga" entry and it populates, by 
> date, posts that folks have made.
>     Whenever I try to choose Dave's post it doesn't show any post one can 
> read.........all that it shows is a whole bunch of unintelligible 
> technical-looking words (hence my use of the word "computereeze.
>     And I am not alone in this problem.......a number of others have told me 
> they are in the same predicament.
>     I'm sure it is nothing Dave is doing on purpose...........perhaps there 
> is some glitch with his posts. I do not experience this problem with any 
> other posts on the site other than Dave's.
>     I hope that clarifies the issue for all, and apologize if I caused 
> confusion among the "ranks" of my fellow birders.
>     Pete Saracino
>     --
>     Cayugabirds-L List Info:
>     1)
>     2)
>     3)
>     Please submit your observations to eBird:
>     --
> -- 
> asher


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