The next Monday Night Seminar at the Cornell Lab is on *November 2nd, at
7:30pm.*  As always, the seminars are free and open to the public. The
doors open at 7:00.  Thanks for helping spread the word, and hope to see
you there.

This coming Monday, we will once again be streaming the seminar live. Be
sure to bookmark for quick
access on Monday evening.

*The Living Bird: 100 Years of Listening to Nature*

*Book signing and presentation by Gerrit Vyn, Multimedia Producer, Cornell
Lab of Ornithology*

Photographer, cinematographer, and sound recordist Gerrit Vyn travels
around the world to document the lives of birds for the Cornell Lab of
Ornithology. A new book created for the Lab’s 100-year anniversary, "The
Living Bird: 100 Years of Listening to Nature," explores our joyful and
complex relationship with birds. Gerrit’s images, along with thoughtful and
inspiring essays by writers that include Barbara Kingsolver, Jared Diamond,
and Lab Director John Fitzpatrick, take readers on a visual and
experiential journey revealing the life-changing role that birds can play
in our understanding of the natural world. In his talk, Gerrit will
illustrate the major themes covered in the book and share many of his
powerful images and video recordings from the field.

*You can watch any of our past live-streamed seminars via the **free video
seminar archive* <>* on our website.*


See upcoming seminar speakers and topics at

Marc Devokaitis

Public Information Specialist

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

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