
Being that's Danby and you added your numbers to our sector count last
year, I not only encourage you to repeat, I will meet you there. I usually
go there a bit later, but as they say, no sacrifice is too small.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 2:40 PM, John Confer <> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
>     For a couple decades, I tried a Cayuga Bird Club Christmas Bird Count
> owl prowl (That would be CBC CBC OP) in the higher elevations around
> Hammond Hill on 1 Jan. The results were usually not very good and sometimes
> even dismal and always cold!
>     Last year I picked an area that is about 1000 ft lower, and 3-7
> degrees warmer, and with considerable less snow cover, all features that I
> guess make it better for owl survival. I tried owling in the area of lower
> Buttermilk Falls SP, Stone Quarry and Sandbank Rds, Land Trust Preserve at
> Lick Brook, Ithaca Beer Drive, lower Treman S.P. and  in the area along Rt
> 34 near the soccer fields and lower Buttermilk Falls SP, and along parts of
> Rt 13A = Floral Ave.
>     I worked up a very productive route: 17 stops for 12 screech and 1
> great horned.  That is a hustle since it works out to be about 6 minutes
> audio playing per stop and 4 minutes drive between stops starting at 4:00.
>     If this is the backyard of anyone who is going to try owling, please
> let me know and we can work something out. Don't worry, there are more
> potential stops than there is time.
>    Otherwise, I would like try the same area again.
>     My hearing is not as good as it once was. I'm sure I miss some owls
> because I did hear a couple that were just at the very limit of my hearing,
> and I know others can hear better than I.
> * I would love to have someone with young ears join me at Buttermilk Falls
> at the parking lot adjacent to King Rd. at 4:00 AM, Jan 1. Good birding, *John
> Confer
> 539-6308
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