I needed to find Mourning Warblers this week for the Danby Breeding Bird 
Survey, so at 5:30 this morning I went down to the West Danby Fire Station, 
walked up-slope to the town water tank, then south along the Pennsylvania & 
Sodus Bay RR grade into the Lindsay Parsons Preserve to visit a Mourning 
Warbler spot on the western wall of the valley. The target area was 
criss-crossed with dozer cuts (15 years ago, was it?), when it was logged quite 
heavily. The hillside cuts were soon grown-in with brambles, ferns, roses and 
red elder.

Arriving at the location, I immediately heard several Mourning Warblers 
singing, and easily got a visual.

So, they're still here. In fact the area looks little changed. It will be a 
long time yet before this canopy closes.


Sent from my iPhone

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