Next Monday, April 10, will be the next monthly meeting of the Cayuga Bird 
Club. Bruce Smith and Katherine [Kit] Muma,  will give their presentation, 
"Kiwis and Kokakos: Wildlife Conservation in New Zealand".  Although they have 
both been on faculty in the Biology Dept. at Ithaca College, Bruce retired 3 
years ago. His courses included Animal Behavior; Aquatic Ecology; and Parasites 
and Vectors of Disease. Among the courses Kit has taught are Field Ornithology, 
and Bird Brains and Mind Games: Animal Consciousness. They spent parts of their 
last two sabbatical leaves in New Zealand.
 New Zealand bird species evolved in isolation, remote from any other 
significant land masses and virtually without terrestrial mammals. 
Consequently, the bird fauna was poorly adapted for the onslaught of mammalian 
predators that came with human settlement, first with the Maori people and 
later with European colonists. A significant proportion of the woodland species 
went extinct and many of the remaining ones are few in number and isolated on 
offshore island or remote patches of native forest.
 New Zealand, however, is a world leader in conservation, and has brought a 
number of their species back from the brink of extinction. Join us for an 
evening of video and still photography of birds of New Zealand, and a 
discussion of the challenges they face.The meeting will be held at the Cornell 
Laboratory of Ornithology. Doors open at 7:00 pm and there will be cookies and 
conversation starting at 7:15. Bird club business begins at 7:30 pm followed by 
the presentation. All are welcome.There will be no speaker dinner before the 
Club meeting.
See you all on Monday.
Colleen RichardsCorresponding SecretaryCayuga Bird Club
3 Foods Surgeons Are Now Calling "Death Foods"
3 Harmful Foods

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