I was there with Dave Nutter, Melissa and Wade Rowley, and Kevin McGann. Wade 
and I walked up closer, but the bird was still far away. We thought it might be 
a 1st winter bird. It had no white around it’s eye which was not red. I was 
told it could still be a WFIB because the red eye wouldn’t necessarily be 
seeable. I hope someone else gets to see it and ID it. Better lighting would be 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 5, 2017, at 5:54 PM, Kevin J. McGowan <k...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> This afternoon, Laura Stenzler and Ton Schat directed attention to a dark 
> ibis they found north of Armitage Rd, west of rt 38 north of Monezuma. I was 
> birding nearby, and headed right over. I found the bird, but unfortunately 
> the rain started in earnest right then, and the lighting was poor. Also the 
> bird was very actively foraging in the far north end of the east-most section 
> of flooded farm fields and did not give good looks.
> White-faced and Glossy ibis are about equally likely to occur here. The bird 
> looked like a non-breeding-plumaged adult, with no white on the face to help 
> with ID (broad white in White-faced, thin white stripes in Glossy). It was 
> way too far away, and the light was way too dim for me to be able to see if 
> there was any red in the face or not. I could not tell which species it was.
> Unless someone else gets better looks or better photos, I have to put it down 
> as "Plegadis sp." or "Glossy/White-faced Ibis."
> Kevin
> Kevin J. McGowan, Ph.D.
> Project Manager
> Distance Learning in Bird Biology
> Cornell Lab of Ornithology
> 159 Sapsucker Woods Road
> Ithaca, NY 14850
> k...@cornell.edu
> 607-254-2452
> --
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