The Cayuga Bird Club will be holding their April meeting on Monday, April 9 at 
7:30 pm with cookies & conversation at 7:15. Our speaker, Paul Guris, founder 
of See Life Paulagics, Pelagic Birding Tours, will present "Pelagic 
Discoveries: Birding the Mid-Atlantic and New York Waters. Over the years, See 
Life's trips have turned up a number of pelagic discoveries including rarities, 
high counts, identification tips, habitat requirements, and behavioral traits. 
This program will explore a range of these discoveries in the Mid-Atlantic, 
particularly in the New York area. Examples include rarities like Western Gull 
and Fea's Petrel. Birds like Band-rumped Storm-Petrels, once considered to be 
incredibly rare in our area, turn out to be regular and even expected in the 
right areas at the right time of year. Dovekies have a highly specialized 
requirement for feeding that makes them generally easy to find.
 Don't expect a dry, data-driven presentation, do expect a lot of photos, and 
do expect a fair share of not-so-serious moments.Paul Guris has been birding 
since age 12, which is longer ago than he cares to admit. His first boat trip 
on salt water was in his mother's third trimester. He has traveled the nation 
and several countries in Central America and Europe seeking out landbirds, but 
the pelagic species always call him back. He has served on both Pennsylvania 
and New Jersey's rare bird records committees, captained the multi-year NJ 
Audubon World Series of Birding winning team, the Nikon/DVOC Lagerhead Shrikes, 
and served a variety of positions, including president of the over 125-year-old 
Delaware Valley Ornithological Club.Paul organized pelagic trips out of New 
Jersey as far back as the mid-1980s and he has led for several other tour 
companies. In 2002, Paul and his wife Anita started their own pelagic tour 
company called See Life Paulagics to provide greater opportunities in the 
Mid-Atlantic region. They run trips sailing out of New York, New Jersey, 
Delaware, and occasionally other places. The thrill of discovery and a love of 
the sea keep the excitement going even after all these years.Cayuga Bird Club 
meetings start at 7:30 pm, the second Monday of every month. Doors open at 7:00 
pm and all meetings are open to the public. Seating is limited; if room 
capacity is reached, the building will be locked, so come 
early!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Club members 
are invited to join Paul and his wife for dinner at the Taste of Thai Express 
restaurant on Rt. 13 N. at 5:30 pm before the meeting. Please rsvp to by Monday noon so we can place our reservation.Looking forward 
to seeing you all at the meeting on Monday.
Colleen Richards  Cayuga Bird Club  Corresponding Secretary
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Flat Belly Revolution

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