Dear Birders: 

The Montezuma Audubon Center and Seneca White Deer would like to invite you to 
a unique birding experience this spring at the former Seneca Army Depot. We 
will offer a rare glimpse into the breeding and migratory songbirds, birds of 
prey and their habitats of this Audubon Important Bird Area (IBA). For years, 
birders have wondered, “what lies beyond the fence?” Wonder no more. Now your 
birding community has the chance to find out.

We will lead birding tours on our comfortable tour bus from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 
on May 6, 13, and 20, and June 3, 17, and 24. Come experience this IBA where 
over 120 species of birds either migrate through or live during the year. 
Furthermore, we proudly announce that our pair of Bald Eagles is back again for 
at least the 11th straight year!

This site encompasses approximately 10,000 acres between Cayuga and Seneca 
Lakes in the Finger Lakes region. Having formerly been maintained as a military 
base, much of the area is successional habitat. According to the NY GAP data, 
approximately 80% of the site is shrub habitat, which includes old 
field/pastures, shrub swamps, successional hardwoods, and successional shrubs. 
The site also has extensive forest and some wetland habitat, and supports a 
population of white deer.

 This relatively large early successional habitat supports characteristic 
species, including the American Woodcock, Willow Flycatcher, Brown Thrasher, 
Blue-winged Warbler, Eastern Towhee, and Field Sparrow. A Red-headed Woodpecker 
was reported in 2003.

 Besides the multitude of bird species, the tour will offer stops to look at a 
beaver dam, a personnel bomb shelter, an empty ammo bunker and a cemetery with 
the remains of colonial soldiers! In addition, you will have a chance to see 
some members of the world’s largest herd of white, whitetail deer!

 Chris Lajewski, Center Director of the Montezuma Audubon Center, will be your 
birding guide. Chris has nearly 20 years of experience guiding bird tours and 
will be a great compliment to our tour guide/driver who will talk about the 
wildlife and history of the former depot. There will be a 5-person minimum for 
each tour at a cost of $40 per person. Reservations can be made on line at or by calling 315-759-8220.

 Come experience the birds, the ghost deer, the military history and much more. 
There is only one place like it on our planet – the Seneca Army Depot!

 Dennis Money, President, Seneca White Deer Inc.  Chris Lajewski, Center 
Director, Montezuma Audubon Center


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