Next Monday, December 9, will be the next monthly meeting of the Cayuga Bird 
Club.  Our speaker, Jody Enck, will be presenting -- "What Makes a Birder a 
 Ever wonder why you seem to fit in with some birders but scratch your head at 
the actions of others? Turns out that birders are as diverse in their 
identities as the birds are. But it's more about 'who you are' rather than 
'what you do' that separates the different birder identities. Jody will share 
fascinating facts about some of the 14 types of birders he uncovered while 
conducting research on birders a few years ago. Which type are you? Come listen 
and find out.
 About the Speaker: Jody Enck started birding as a small boy growing up on a 
farm in Pennsylvania. Since then, he has continued to learn more and more about 
birds and the people who enjoy them. Jody especially loves bird-watching in his 
back yard to find out what the local residents are up to. He is also a closet 
lister, with more than 500 species seen in the U.S. and more than 1,150 seen 
worldwide. He has a background in wildlife biology and social science. In 2016, 
he founded the Sister Bird Club Network to link birders and bird clubs 
throughout the Western Hemisphere by raising awareness of the conservation 
needs of the neotropical migratory birds we all love. He is a past president 
and current chair of the conservation action committee for the Cayuga Bird 
Club. In 2020, he'll be leading trips for the Club to Costa Rica and Colombia.
  Members are invited to join Jody Enck for dinner at the Taste of Thai Express 
(Rt. 13N downtown) just before the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Colleen 
Richards at  by noon Monday so reservations can be made.The 
meeting will be held at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Doors open at 
7:00 pm and there will be cookies and conversation starting at 7:15. Bird club 
business begins at 7:30 pm followed by the presentation. All are welcome. See 
you all on Monday.
Colleen RichardsCorresponding SecretaryCayuga Bird Club
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