Salt point 8-9am:
Brilliant Baltimore Oriole male
Cedar Waxwings
Blue headed vireos
Yellow rumped warblers

On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 12:02 AM Upstate NY Birding digest <> wrote:

> CAYUGABIRDS-L Digest for Sunday, November 01, 2020.
> 1. Yard birds
> 2. New bird
> 3. Snow buntings at Myers
> 4. 50 Bonapartes @ Stewart
> 5. Orange Crowned @ Salt Point
> 6. Re: Orange Crowned @ Salt Point
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Yard birds
> From: Carol Keeler <>
> Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 08:31:15 -0400
> X-Message-Number: 1
> I got a rarity to my yard this morning- a fox sparrow!  I’m still getting
> one White Throat.  I have been getting a few Pine Siskins.  No Evening
> Grosbeaks yet.  I’m lucky to get any birds here with the roofers here many
> days.  They finished yesterday so maybe those Grosbeaks will finally show
> up.  I’m pleased to get the Fox Sparrow.
> Sent from my iPad
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: New bird
> From: Carol Keeler <>
> Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 09:19:10 -0400
> X-Message-Number: 2
> I wrote too soon.  I’ve got 2 Fox Sparrows.  Then an American Tree Sparrow
> showed up, FOS.  After that a large group of Juncos showed up, but I’ve
> been getting them.  The Red Bellied Woodpeckers have shown up.  I’ve rarely
> had them for the past year so I’m delighted to see them regularly again.
> Still hoping for Grosbeaks.
> Auburn
> Sent from my iPad
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Snow buntings at Myers
> From: Laura Stenzler <>
> Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 14:51:57 +0000
> X-Message-Number: 3
> 12 Snow Buntings on the spit at Myers Park.
> Laura
> Laura Stenzler
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: 50 Bonapartes @ Stewart
> From: Suan Yong <>
> Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 13:44:21 -0400
> X-Message-Number: 4
> There's a raft of some 50 or so Bonaparte's Gulls off Stewart Park, easier
> to ID with scope than binoculars.
> Suan
> _____________________
> Composed by thumb and autocorrect.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Orange Crowned @ Salt Point
> From: Suan Yong <>
> Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 14:47:17 -0400
> X-Message-Number: 5
> Saw what I'm pretty sure was an orange crowned warbler at salt point, in
> an active area between south trail and salmon creek, with many waxwings, a
> black-throated green and a yellow-rumped warblers.
> Suan
> _____________________
> Composed by thumb and autocorrect.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: Orange Crowned @ Salt Point
> From: Suan Yong <>
> Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 15:47:33 -0400
> X-Message-Number: 6
> The salt point flock continues to produce neat birds, including
> blue-headed vireo and pine siskins, and what I thought was a black-throared
> green is looking more like a Blackburnian. Have yet to relocate the
> orange-crowned candidate after it became camera sky and darted off.
> Suan
> > On Oct 31, 2020, at 2:47 PM, Suan Yong <> wrote:
> >
> > Saw what I'm pretty sure was an orange crowned warbler at salt point,
> in an active area between south trail and salmon creek, with many waxwings,
> a black-throated green and a yellow-rumped warblers.
> >
> > Suan
> > _____________________
> > Composed by thumb and autocorrect.
> ---


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