Diane, Rachel, Ken, and I were at Myers mid-morning as five American Pipits 
flew in front the direction of Salt Point (north shoreline) to forage for ten 
minutes along the edge of Salmon Creek directly in front of us. Although the 
field marks you describe do fit PIWA, you might consider pipit as well. 

While we were there a pair of White-winged Scoters flew in from the south and 
landed in the cove just north of Salt Point. And there was the continuing 
Killdeer across the creek from us, hunkered down at first, then foraging in the 

Bob McGuire

> On Feb 21, 2021, at 3:08 PM, Paul Anderson <fish...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just got back from a walk around Salt Point. The first surprise was a 
> Killdeer.
> The second surprise was what I am 90% sure was a Palm Warbler, possibly even 
> two. I heard flight calls and followed the bird in flight to where it perched 
> in a tree. It was backlit, so I was not able to make out many field marks, 
> but I did get a strong impression of the yellow undertail coverts, and it was 
> bobbing its tail vigorously. As I was watching that one, I could hear another 
> in flight, but the sun was in my eyes so I never picked that one up. This was 
> right on the north shore near where the Little Free Library is.
> In the water, amongst the usual suspects were two White-winged Scoters, and 
> three Red-breasted Mergansers. Further to the north was a large spread-out 
> raft of probable Canada Geese, but I didn't have my scope so I couldn't 
> confirm.
> Visibility and wind conditions are excellent. I wouldn't be surprised if 
> there were more interesting waterfowl further out. If only I had brought that 
> scope....
> -Paul
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