Hi All,

If you're interested in participating in the upcoming Big Atlas Weekend,
and you also like to travel to the Adirondacks each summer to enjoy that
region's specialty breeders, we have a couple of exciting trip ideas to

The first-ever Big Atlas Weekend
<https://ebird.org/atlasny/news/big-atlas-weekend-june-25-27> will be held
next weekend, June 25-27, and offers a variety of ways to participate and
be eligible to win exciting prizes from the Cornell Lab's Bird Academy.
Some of the goals of the Big Atlas Weekend are to: encourage visits to
priority blocks that are currently unvisited; increase coverage in priority
blocks with only a few hours of coverage; and highlight the importance of
nocturnal visits to priority blocks.

The Moose River Plains in Hamilton County offer outstanding boreal birding
opportunities for species like Boreal Chickadee, Canada Jay, Black-backed
Woodpecker, Swainson's Thrush, and more. The Moose River Plains are also
home to several priority atlas blocks that are completely unvisited or have
just a few hours of effort after Atlas Year 1. There are over 100 primitive
campsites in the area, so if you enjoy camping and birding, this is a great
place to go. Note that these campsites are all available on a first-come
first-served basis. There is also lodging available in nearby Inlet and Old

The DEC website has detailed information about the Moose River Plains here:

There are two unvisited priority blocks accessible from the main Limekiln
Lake-Cedar River Road (a.k.a. the Moose River Plains Road) that traverses
the area: Wakely Mountain CE <https://ebird.org/atlasny/block/43074F5CE>
 and Mount Tom CE <https://ebird.org/atlasny/block/43074F6CE>. This road
also passes through the Snowy Mountain NW
<https://ebird.org/atlasny/block/43074F4NW> priority block, which is in
need of additional diurnal effort (and nocturnal effort).

The popular Ferd's Bog birding hotspot is located a short distance from the
Moose River Plains. Ferd's Bog is not located in a priority block, but if
you're spending the weekend in the area, it's always worth a visit!

The Nature Conservancy's Spring Pond Bog Preserve
one of the crown jewels of the Adirondacks. It is one of the last
strongholds of Spruce Grouse in New York State, and it also hosts other
special boreal breeding species like Boreal Chickadee, Black-backed
Woodpecker, Canada Jay, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, and Palm Warbler.
Special permission is required to visit the preserve. To request a guest
pass, please email adironda...@tnc.org. Due to COVID-19 office closures,
TNC's response may be delayed, so be sure to contact them as far in advance
as possible.

A good portion of the Spring Pond Bog Preserve lies within the
unvisited Derrick
NW <https://ebird.org/atlasny/block/44074C4NW> priority block. If you plan
a trip to the preserve for atlasing and birding purposes, please be sure to
pay careful attention to block boundaries and strive to create either
stationary counts or short traveling checklists to make sure that all
observations from a checklist fall within a single atlas block.

Spring Pond Bog is located a bit north of the Village of Tupper Lake, which
offers restaurants and a few lodging options. The village is also located
in the Tupper Lake NW <https://ebird.org/atlasny/block/44074B4NW> priority
block, so if you spend any time there, be sure to submit some checklists
and keep an eye out for opportunities to confirm common species.

There are also two major DEC campgrounds in the Spring Pond Bog / Tupper
Lake area: Rollins Pond <https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/24494.html> and Fish
Creek Pond <https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/24466.html>. These two
campgrounds both require reservations through the Reserve America website.
The Rollins Pond campground is located in the Derrick CE
<https://ebird.org/atlasny/block/44074C4CE> priority block, so a weekend of
camping at Rollins Pond and birding at Rollins Pond and Spring Pond Bog
could yield excellent birding and a great contribution to atlas efforts!

If you have any questions about Big Atlas Weekend, or if you make plans to
visit either of the areas that we've highlighted above, please email us at

Good birding,
Matt Medler, Jeff Bolsinger, and Tom Wheeler
Atlas Regional Co-coordinators for Northern New York


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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