And I had a great Merlin-crow interaction near Hile School rd and Ed Hill
Rd intersection on Tuesday.  A youngish crow may have begun it because I first 
saw it harrying and giving low vocalizations toward the merlin, but the merlin, 
a male by back plumage, turned the tables and became the swooping diving 
aggressor. It left after several minutes then returned to go straight after a 
(the?) crow again. I have never seen such protracted interactions that were not 
around an active crow nest. Merlin would fly high above and dive then chase the 
crow down toward the ground until the crow would ramp up its flight effort to 
make it up among field edge tree branches.  

I wonder if merlins are scoping the nesting options for next 
spring—-“prospecting” as it is genetically called. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 25, 2021, at 7:56 AM, Susan Stevens Suarez <> wrote:
>  For what it’s worth, the Merlin Sound ID on my iPhone picked up a Merlin 
> downhill from the factory 2.5 weeks ago.
> Susan Suarez
>> On Aug 25, 2021, at 7:10 AM, Stanley Scharf <> wrote:
>> For the past two plus weeks  what appears to be a  Merlin has been screaming 
>> its raucous call  in the area of the Emerson factory on South Hill in 
>> Ithaca. I don't know if it's a male or female.. I think I hear it calling 
>> now.
>> I once got a good view of its strong flight over Emerson..
>> S.
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