The December meeting of the Cayuga Bird Club will be on Monday, December 12 at 
7:30 pm at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Our speaker will be Professor Ian Owens, Executive Director of the Cornell Lab 
of Ornithology. All are invited to join us as he presents,"The Revolution is 
Here: Technology and the Future of Bird Watching and Citizen Science 

Birds play a unique role in our understanding of how the planet works because, 
through the efforts of bird watchers and citizen scientists, we know more about 
large-scale patterns of occurrence, abundance, movement and population trends 
in birds than any other comparable group. Professor Owens will explore how new 
technologies promise to further accelerate the opportunities for birdwatchers 
and citizen scientists to make a difference, making it possible to gather even 
more useful data to inform conservation efforts, and engage even more people in 
natural history and conservation. Starting by highlighting the power of 
applying artificial intelligence models to large-scale databases of 
‘unstructured’ observations, and what this reveals about long-term population 
trends at a continental scale. He will then look at how automatic-recognition 
of songs and calls is already changing how we find and identify birds, and the 
impact of this ‘bioacoustic revolution’ on birding, monitoring and public 
engagement. Finally, he will review how new technologies is empowering bird 
watchers and citizen scientist communities around the world, and how to address 
the challenges that exist in making these new technologies available at a 
global scale.

About the Speaker: Professor Ian Owens, Executive Director of the Cornell Lab 
of Ornithology, is an ornithologist interested in the ecology, evolution and 
conservation of birds, and using the power of birds to engage the public with 
big questions in science and global sustainability. The central question of his 
research is, what are the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that drive 
biological diversification? He tackles this question at both macro- and 
microevolutionary scales using a combination of field experiments, genetic 
analyses and phylogenetic and spatial analyses. Almost all of his work is based 
on birds because of the unrivalled depth of information on the ecology, 
behavior, systematics and geographical distribution of bird species, and the 
ability to manipulate genetic pedigrees, observe behavior and monitor 
individual reproduction and mortality in free-living bird populations.

In-person meetings at the Lab of Ornithology start with cookies at 7:00pm and 
club business at 7:30pm, followed by the speaker's presentation which ends by 
9:00pm. We will attempt to make presentations available virtually, either as a 
recording posted a few days later.

There will be a speaker dinner before the meeting with Professor Owens at 5:30 
at Sumo restaurant on Triphammer Road. Please rsvp as soon as possible to since reservations may be limited.

Enjoy this week and any birding opportunities it may bring.

Colleen Richards
Corresponding Secretary
Cayuga Bird Club 


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