The third annual Big Atlas Weekend is this week, running from 6:00 pm on
Friday evening, June 23 through 11:59 pm on Sunday night, June 25. This fun
event is a great way to contribute to NY Breeding Bird Atlas III and also
join a community of birders participating in current breeding bird atlases
from Newfoundland and Labrador to Puerto Rico.

Participating is easy—just go atlasing during the Big Atlas Weekend time
window and submit your checklist(s) through the NY Breeding Bird Atlas
portal in eBird. And just for participating, you'll receive a $20 coupon
for any Cornell Lab Bird Academy course!

There is also a chance to win a totally free Bird Academy course by
completing one or more of these challenges:


   Submit a nocturnal checklist (submitted between 20 minutes after sunset
   and 40 minutes before sunrise)

   Submit a breeding code for a new species in a block or upgrade a species
   in a block

   Submit a checklist with breeding codes from an incomplete block

   Share Atlas-related photos tagged on Facebook (@nybba3), Instagram
   (@nybbaiii), or Twitter (@nybbaiii).

To get things started, there will be a fun Big Atlas Weekend kickoff event
on Wednesday, June 21 from 6-8 pm (ET). This event will feature a bird
trivia contest and will include Atlas participants from New York, Maryland
and DC, Newfoundland and Labrador, North Carolina, Ontario, and Puerto Rico!

If you're new to Atlasing, or just enjoy birding with others, NYS birders
have organized a variety of social Big Atlas Weekend birding events across
the state. For full details about Big Atlas Weekend, visit the New York
Breeding Bird Atlas III website:

Good birding,
Matt Medler


Cayugabirds-L List Info:


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